Simple Tips To Pass Jamb Successfully | Easy Jamb

Simple Tips To Pass Jamb Successfully | Easy Jamb header
Once in every year, a high traffic comes to the web from Nigerian students on how to pass jamb successfully. Most of these students often go back without a solution i once did when i was preparing for my Jamb few years back.

But last year a different set of students also in Nigerian came up with a different question which was also related to the previous question. Now its about how to pass Jamb CBT test successfully. This has led so many intelligent Nigerian students into failing and having to spend a year at home as we already know, the price for failing jamb is "Home Alone".

Success in Jamb is very easy and simple , you just need to figure out the tweak. This tweaking will help you pass your Jamb with a score no Nigerian University can reject not even the popular Uniben. But keep in mind that you are not the only person reading this article. If you do not get proper understanding please use the comment box or get ready to spend an extra year at home (not your portion).

Tips To Passing Jamb Successfully

I have done a lot of studies on various students in the world today who were successful in their Jamb. Well many will say its out of luck but advice dear luck or no luck many students still pass Jamb successfully and get above 250. A friend of mine wrote Jamb and scored 179, had to spend an extra year at home but after working with me he enrolled for Jamb again and scored 274 and recently he is studying Medicine in Uniben.

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You see passing Jamb is not a war, neither is it a relationship so why cheat?. Many of us might have cheated during internal examinations and even in the popular WAEC/NECO. During my WAEC i had a classmate who left my school to a public school because she felt like she won't pass in my school because cheating is not allowed. But at the end when our results came out, her result was an eye saw. Why? no self trust and confidence.

Step By Step Guide To Passing Your Jamb

Create A Reading Table

Back then during my first Jamb i was quite playful, Even had a girlfriend would call and chat all day. You know as it says hard work pays. Luckily i passed my WAEC/NECO but my jamb was an eye saw. I had 151 in a situation where i needed above 200.

But during my Second Jamb i took it as a challenge and created a time table for my reading (Even had problems with my girlfriend as i could not call nor chat. such is life) but before my second Jamb i had to do something to complement my reading. So i opened a blog and started sharing my thoughts.

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Reading at night should be a habit for you. If you are the day time reading type then add it to your daily routine. Create a time table, Arrange your subjects (four during Jamb) according to the way it work best for you. After doing this for a few months reading will slowly become your habit (Hobby).

Make Reviews On your Notes, Past Questions And Textbooks

My favorite then was reading textbooks, i could read a textbook especially Chemistry Ababio and Physics P. N. Okeke from day to night because i got more understanding. You should do same. The textbook is well structured into
  • Explanation
  • Definition
  • Examples
  • And Questions
With this structure you can become successful in Jamb as long as you read with the Jamb Brochure which you get once you register but ca also be bought at book shops.

Join Reading Communities And Share Your Thoughts

At first reading with friends (reading mates) was not favorable to me because whenever a question was been tagged to me , the answer would be unknown  to me. But with time i started developing in my understanding, the exact fear that would have withdrawn me became my strength.

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I was in a community of intelligent friends. We met at an extra moral lesson organized for Jambites and drew our links to the library where we met and read everyday. I realized after a few months that i was no longer an outsider as i was now able to answer almost every question tagged to me. Before we went for the examination i was known as the Physics and Mathematics wizard as i was able to answer almost every question in the Jamb past questions. You should do same it will work for you.

Read Above Jamb And Waec

This is a normal theory which by now you should know about but i will expand a little bit. If you are reading for Jamb/Waec and you want to be successful then sure bet you might only get an average score. This is why you should read above Jamb/Waec, Learn to interact with people who has written this same examination and was successful.

 Yes your books contain a lot i know but do not depend fully on it. I advice you use your textbooks and internet when necessary. Breaking News: Avoid sexual attractions or teenage sex at this point. We might not think about this always but as a Jambite always work with your teachers and friends.

Pray Like You Have Not Read

We have talking about read read and read, But not talking about the spiritual aspect. Well i reserved this because its in fact the most important. A friend of mine wrote WAEC but her result was never released. Another wrote jamb with myself but his result was not found. So its one thing to read and prepare but another to write and get the result. So you need to pray for understanding before reading.

This happened to me during my second Jamb  i knelt down to pray before answering, the person seating next to me, made mockery and said i was afraid. Well dear do not listen to what people say, let them laugh at you  but success in Jamb is all that matters. So let prayer be the key. There is a spiritual action behind every physical situation.

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To round it all up i have just shared to you my dear reader every single tip needed to be successful in Jamb/ WEAC. And if at the end you do not make a good score despite your effort do not worry every successful person must practice patience. Some disappointments are blessings in Disguise.

Always share with others what you know and vice versa, two heads together is better than one. Ask questions. Buy past questions and also attend extra moral lessons its a boost to your knowledge. Be confident and know the greatest of strength comes from within.

Do use the comment box to share your own thoughts and findings. I hope with all these that Jamb success will be a dream come true for you.

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