Reasons Why You Should Not Lose Your Virginity as a Teenager 2015 Review

As a teenage girl lots of thoughts rides through your head everyday especially when their is a male persuading you to have sexual intercourse. Which happens in different ways, (Note: before a man will ask you out he must have studied everything about you and know how to charm you easily).

Most men will try several ways to get you in bed even to the extinct of deceiving you. I'm a boy and i know what men can do but as a girl you should never let a man take advantage of your innocence. Once he does then you can not escape the trap, Its more like hunt or get hunted game. And boys love playing it

Losing your virginity as a girl is one important thing in your life and i bet you, you will always remember the moment so why do you want to allow a young boy who probably doesn't understand the meaning of love ruin it for you. Studies has shown that most teenage girls ranging from the age of 14-18 are easily won over by men due to the sexual excitement in their head. So you see that's why you are always the target so be wise and careful.

What is Virginity

 Virginity means a state of purity or inexperience. In Traditional term, a virgin is a person that had not had sexual intercourse. Usually, the idea of virginity is used for women.

Losing Your Virginity

 Losing virginity which also is referred to as dis-flowing is actually a painful process but most men will say its a sweet process my dear its not. Virgin women usually have an unbroken hymen. A hymen is human tissue that blocks the opening of the vagina about two inches deep. Now you see why its painful.

Why you should not lose your Virginity as a Teenager

Above we made you understand what virginity is all about now lets talk on why you as a teen should not lose your virginity. Its going to be hard for you because most friends both male and female will laugh at you might even call you a man. But don't pay attention, they just want to deceive and use you.

1. Unwanted Pregnancy And Immorality

Though protections are now widely used everywhere for sex, still there is a possible outcome of pregnancy from your first time. It will be quite unfair to you if you use a condom on your first time. So why having protected sex when you known he just wants to sleep with you. And know also that fear will always be in you and you won't even enjoy the moment

Every now and then we hear of moral values and its appreciation well this is one quick way to reduce your moral values. No matter how the result turn out to be, either you are caught by mere humans or caught by your own conscience.

2. Unbearable Pain

I know most boys and some websites have laid some emphasis on pain during first time sex. Saying stuffs like it will only hurt ones and that's all. Well my dear pain during first time sex is not just about breaking your hymen it has some psychological effects on you which is worse than the 5 minutes pain.

Now lets take a knife and cut you or pierce you with a needle, Will it hurt? and after cutting will the pain last for just five minutes? Now that's the same as losing virginity if not even worse because the male organ is strong, big but not as sharp as a knife so you see it will cause real pain for you. And that's what men love. To hear her scream so don't fall a victim

3. Cultural and Traditional Belief

Many of us thinks that sex is all about two persons a guy and a girl, its physically true but if you really view the inspirational side it, sex is more than just two. In every region you belong to there is always a warning against sex before marriage, According to the biblical view it causes impurity (means its a sin), also in the Islamic part there is also a quote with its own punishment.

When a man inserts his male organ or other object(s) are inserted into the vagina, it usually tears or breaks the hymen which results in bleeding. This blood from the hymen is important in many cultures, as it is a sign that the woman is a virgin. And the entire process of losing your virginity is not healthy for you as it defiles you and render you impure according to cultures and traditions in our society today.

4. Social Status And STD

In the oldies, virginity was referred to as a woman's pride, her value and also her worth. Most men who lures young girls to sleep with them are aware of all these facts so why then do they still want to take your pride. A young girl said to me "my virginity is the only power i will have against my husband when i get married" which i have seen to be entirely true.

Its also the main cause of sexually transmitted disease which like HIV/AIDS. Which will destroy your life and ambitions though people now live with HIV/AIDS but dear prevention is better than cure

A boy who sleeps with you and take your virginity at a very tender age is most likely not to marry you. Now your pride is gone what do you now have to offer?Nothing!. So dear don't let a man fool you with his sweet tongue. Its our habit every man can sweet mouth.

5. Effects on Your Relationship

When you start dating a boy, at first he won't expect you to have sex with him, then the relationship will be sweet and fun but after some time he will start asking for sex from time to time. Lets see the psychology here, When he start asking he is not just asking for once he is asking for so many rounds, because after losing your virginity, what is left?.

He will expect you to do it with him always (losing more values each day), the sad part, this has happened to many relationships, the moment you start saying its a enough or disagree to have sex he starts becoming weird and this will either lead to him cheating on you always or a break up. So you see sex doesn't really strengthen your relationship.

A teenage girl deserves her respect from everybody. Don't lose that respect, if he loves you then he will understand your feelings and wait till when you get married that's the simple logic. Young girls be wise!!, To get more education on this topic take off your shyness or fear and go ask an elderly woman near you, could be your mother, teacher or female pastor because your virginity is a very important part of your life. Don't not mess with it dear. Its Your Pride

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