How to Prevent Your Husband From Cheating On You

Being in a relationship, has its own ups and downs. One of the big heartbreaking problem faced in a relationship is cheating which definitely happen between both parties. We will be focused on why men cheat and in our next article we will discuss on how to prevent your man from cheating.

Before we go further answer this questions. we will deal a lot on them later. Now if you are a male and you are reading this i advance you to pay attention and learn because it also applies to you.

  1. Why is he dating you?
  2. Are you in a forced relationship?
  3. Do you still pay much attention to him (sexually and emotionally)
  4. Did you Change?
  5. And finally are you full of surprises? or just the boring type
If you have answered the five questions above am sure by now you should have an idea on what is actually wrong though men generally are likely prone to cheat that doesn't mean you are the right party. It's a relationship and i don't think the other woman is more beautiful than you not facially though she might but a man would always love you if he sees you work hard just to impress him.

But most ladies still believe in pride. Well know this simple fact: He asked you out, He shops for you and takes good care of you. What do you then do? come on ladies remove that pride and save your relationship.

Still, there is no surefire way to keep him from ever having a moment of weakness. So, let's begin by looking at the reasons men cheat and then try to find some possible solutions.

On a Woman's Side

1. Same Thing, Same Way And Same Time

This is the main reason why men cheat. In shorts "boringness" . When a man have psychologically checked out of the relationship and find out that it's all same thing all the time, he gets bored. Now lets see how men think and act. At the baby age of men they are always curious and most times destructive (that means they love adventures), At their teen age all what they do is football, basket ball and Videos games and all these activities are all thrilling and exciting (they love excitement). At their university stage boys are known mainly for flirting. A new chick every day.

That shows that all through out a man's life is fun, excitement, adventures and lots and lots of interesting thing. Every man loves sex don't forget that. This is one big problem because when a man get into a real relationship you expect him to have all these thrills with you. Which seems to be very hard and boring.

2. Not Paying Attention

Recently everybody wants to work or don't just want to care. Well dear you should learn to care, Because when you don't pay attention there is another woman who will notice this and i tell she will make him cheat. I am a man and in general its hard for a man to say NO especially when he know you won't even notice whatever happens to him

As i stated earlier men love adventures so when you don't pay attention he becomes like a boy who just got a scholarship to school abroad. Attention and your time matters a lot. If he agrees on you not being around always then make him disagree.

Matter can only occupy an empty space not an already occupied space so another woman can only occupy that space you left empty
 Don't leave any space empty fill it all, He is yours and its your right to keep him to just yourself alone except you love sharing which i know no woman in her right manners would support - Woman's Voice.

3. Emotional Chaos

Men may also cheat when they find themselves suffering from emotional chaos, perhaps brought on by a bitter argument with his partner. Men often deal with turmoil through destructive means like drinking, drugs, violent behavior and forbidden sex. They will resort to anything to make the pain go away, and sex does a pretty good job of that.

A drunk man can even beat you till you bleed, A man who do drugs can even kill you with out noticing so you see among the above listed options for men its even better to have a cheating man. As it says prevention is better than cure, fights will always turn up in a relationship but that doesn't mean it should be a daily routine.Once its a normal daily issue for the relationship then the man is prone to cheat on you.

4. Opportunity

Earlier i spoke about not paying attention to your man but i didn't mention your man not always paying attention to you well this is the result when he is always out for work, meetings, traveling and so on. He get lot of opportunity to meet with co workers (single ladies) and probably pure strangers who might be either hot or sexy do your relationship is at risk

Put a little effort in watching him, how he acts around few co-workers and the type of women he keeps as friends but note do not be a watch dog because he will feel watched, that will lead to a fight which you should always avoid.


On the Man's Side

Now a man cheating is also as a result of his decision, pride and also sexual weakness. Lets expand on it

Peer Pressure (Friends)

Every man should have friends to make his life equation balance, but the type of friends you keep have a really good or bad effect in your life. You know your self if you are the type that keep the kind of friend always forcing you into bad things my dear you should quit. Because we men love playing games, making bets and so many other weird things. So don't let a stupid bet make you cheat on the love of your life

We men are also very jealous when it comes to women issues and sex life. When your friends talk about sex with other women all the time, Then as a man you will love to join  the conversation by also cheating in your wife. (be wise and don't let them fool you)

I know Its good to have friends and wise to perform experiments but when doing this don't forget you have a wife at home who also have friends and also loves experimenting. (don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you)

Sexual Weakness

Generally men love pictures and are weak when it comes to avoiding sex except they are culturally trained up and well mannered but most men are not like that even you reading might just be the weak type. This is one cause of cheating from the man's side. "A story on how a man impregnated his housemaid: Its true i read this online and just saw the simple logic" He loves pictures and can not avoid sex this is why we men should always watch our steps and don't let women take this as an advantage over you.

Self Decision

If you practice this then it means you don't love your partner. So you should love and learn to love properly before asking her out. Do not break her heart.

Now in general we have seen that cheating by men can either be his partner's fault or his own wrong. (Advice: Men instead of looking for other women outside your relationship just think about your woman and try to make her happy. Her smile is worth more than what you were about to do). Its about love, care, trust and values. Most men who experience their dad cheating and getting away with it are also prone to this so ladies always know his family background.

Two together is an unbeatable team so don't loose that bond for cheating. Your wife is way better and interesting than the outside woman

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