Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1

Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1
We humans are really making a big mistake about living, wealth and success, everybody want things to happen instantly. We send a whats-app message and expect it to deliver instantly, we call someone and expect an instant answer, we make a Little effort and expect it to succeed instantly. My dear such is not life. Its gently becoming a culture. The technologies of today are only created for spend and instant reply. Such is not life.

Its good to get things done on time and get positive replies instantly but do not shatter the law of nature. In recent times all you see is fast food, fast cars, instant messaging. etc. Well all these instant and fast have effect in our daily life because whatever isn't fast is no longer of importance.

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Individuals including you and i have this mentality even in the education sector. Students no longer complete their classes and schools, because of fast life. Just so you know there is more to life than fast and fast. "No horry in Life" that's the word of the wise

 What is Patience

Patience as defined my Wikipedia means the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on negative annoyance/anger; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can take before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.

With more understanding and real life challenges i found a new face for the word "Patience". Patience is not all about waiting because many wait but never get rather Patience is just a blessing in form of  a disappointment. "Patience is a Virtue"

Why Impatience Is Dangerous

When we get instant results and convenience in some parts of our life, then we expect other areas of our life to work just as quick and easy. But, this mindset causes problems when something doesn’t happen as we plan it. It also is dangerous when we don’t take a task on because it seems too difficult, or appears too long to complete.

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If something happens outside of our control, then we commonly create unnecessary stress for ourselves and
Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1
lose mental focus. Lets take the scenario where we plan on getting to work at 8:00am, but traffic is slow and causes us to arrive late. An impatient person may allow the negativity of traffic to carry over as they act rude to their co-workers and disrupt their concentration all morning. One external disruption and they can’t act or think straight.

If a task appears to be too difficult or long to finish, then we usually choose not to do it because of our desire for instant results. So we regularly settle for the shorter and more convenient path. Many people don’t consider careers that require grad school because they don’t want to go through the extra years of schooling. I’m confident that thousands of people who would be excellent doctors, lawyers, dentists, and other professions miss out on a fulfilling and satisfying career because of a short-term mindset against more education. It’s a shame.

Now lets take a look at you who want to be rich. Many people say they want to be rich. But, they’re unwilling to take the necessary steps to obtain wealth, because they aren’t patient. These same people say investing in the stock market “takes too long.” They would rather spend their money shopping to feel the immediate happiness of buying something new (which goes away pretty soon after the purchase). Or their impatience gives them over to the get-rich-quick schemes that never work.

Friend you want to be rich?, you want to be a celebrity?, want to be a degree holder?, My dear there is a remedy for you and its Patience.

The Reward Of Patience

Patience is a priceless gift even Jesus as stated in the Bible also practiced patience to establish his ministry. World legend Nelson Mandela during the fight for Freedom used a key strategy "patience", Have you watch the world greatest Bursar May-weather fight, Its all still patience. To get anything in this world you need to practice patience.

Lets take a lot at what people and Culture around the world say about Patience
  • Patience is a virtue.
  • Good thing comes to those who wait.
  • Patience is the key to success.
  • Those who are patient gets the best of what they deserve.
  • If you try to learn to be patient, the world opens up to you.
  • Be patient, and that patience will be rewarded.
Many Nigerian bloggers want to be as rich as Linda Ikeji well my dear it takes patience. All my researches in the life of the celebrities and wealthy people, all led to one thing Patience. The likes of Dangote, Bill gates, Lionel Messi, 2face Idibia and many more successful people. And they won't get this wealth if not for patience. So push on and be patience

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Controlling your psychological state for patience gives you more opportunities. A patient person will have more time to consider different solutions to the assignment, contact people who can possibly help, and put in a better effort for a higher-quality result.

In contrast, if you’re impatient, you’re more likely to do the least amount of work just to be finished. Or you might complete a project how it’s always been done, not spending anytime to consider more creative and efficient operations.

Where to Observe Patience

Patience actually should be practiced in everything we do, in our daily decisions, our work, school and purchase for wealth. If only we can hold on everything about our life. Then things would much more easier.

Do you also know the bad characters captivated in the society is a result of impatience, All the negative acts stealing, killing, prostitution and also young teens loosing their virginity, lets not expatiate its a topic of another day. But if only we will practice patience accidents, deaths would drastically reduce.

I also thing if you as an employer will take your time and be patient to know that good workers are hard to find, work would improve and employees would be happy and work well with much confident. This is just for you to know that the term applies to everybody in various fields.

Procedures To Practicing Patience

 Since impatience comes from being upset things aren’t going how you want or how quick you want them to, it’s all ‘I’ focused. Change your perspective to practice patience by thinking about the subjects around you. Consider the other people involved, or the moving parts that require time to come together.

 Being positively minded about everything and always using calming words such as “it's going to be OK”, “every thing will be alright”, “I know that it will get better soon” or even a prayer will help you to be patient. It's convincing yourself with soothing and assuring remarks, where you can wait for results with ease.

In-capabilities also teaches you to be patient.  Most of the people who are incapable to doing things on their own, such as people confined to a wheel chair tend to be more patient than those who are capable. Now just imagine a fully capable person who is hungry, or poor, big chance that person will steal instead of looking for a job, or be patient and pray that God will change things for them for the better. Incapability of doing things on your own, teaches a person to be patient.

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For those being in patient in grad school, just  look at more schooling as the required step to enjoy the rest of your professional career. For the get-rich people, have the perspective that you’re investing in your future and it takes time for your compound interest to add up. If it was easy and quick, everyone would be wealthy.

Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1

The easiest and most important way to learn patience is first break out from the habit of "I" and then learn to wait for things to happen at its own appointed time. Teaching Patience to the young once is a most do activities for the parents and elderly because when the young ones captivate it as a habit it becomes part of them.

Patience does magic with everything. Whether in loosing weight, quitting smoking, making money, raising children or in any unexpected difficult circumstance. Just keep in mind, that patience will work wonders if you give it the time it needs. Time is a big factor in being patient,so amuse yourself while waiting, walk in the park, visit a friend, read a book or even pray to know that you are not alone, God is there for. Just get your mind occupied with things that you like to do and makes you happy.


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