Simple Tips To Pass Jamb Successfully | Easy Jamb

Simple Tips To Pass Jamb Successfully | Easy Jamb header
Once in every year, a high traffic comes to the web from Nigerian students on how to pass jamb successfully. Most of these students often go back without a solution i once did when i was preparing for my Jamb few years back.

But last year a different set of students also in Nigerian came up with a different question which was also related to the previous question. Now its about how to pass Jamb CBT test successfully. This has led so many intelligent Nigerian students into failing and having to spend a year at home as we already know, the price for failing jamb is "Home Alone".

Success in Jamb is very easy and simple , you just need to figure out the tweak. This tweaking will help you pass your Jamb with a score no Nigerian University can reject not even the popular Uniben. But keep in mind that you are not the only person reading this article. If you do not get proper understanding please use the comment box or get ready to spend an extra year at home (not your portion).

Tips To Passing Jamb Successfully

I have done a lot of studies on various students in the world today who were successful in their Jamb. Well many will say its out of luck but advice dear luck or no luck many students still pass Jamb successfully and get above 250. A friend of mine wrote Jamb and scored 179, had to spend an extra year at home but after working with me he enrolled for Jamb again and scored 274 and recently he is studying Medicine in Uniben.

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You see passing Jamb is not a war, neither is it a relationship so why cheat?. Many of us might have cheated during internal examinations and even in the popular WAEC/NECO. During my WAEC i had a classmate who left my school to a public school because she felt like she won't pass in my school because cheating is not allowed. But at the end when our results came out, her result was an eye saw. Why? no self trust and confidence.

Step By Step Guide To Passing Your Jamb

Create A Reading Table

Back then during my first Jamb i was quite playful, Even had a girlfriend would call and chat all day. You know as it says hard work pays. Luckily i passed my WAEC/NECO but my jamb was an eye saw. I had 151 in a situation where i needed above 200.

But during my Second Jamb i took it as a challenge and created a time table for my reading (Even had problems with my girlfriend as i could not call nor chat. such is life) but before my second Jamb i had to do something to complement my reading. So i opened a blog and started sharing my thoughts.

Also Read: Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1

Reading at night should be a habit for you. If you are the day time reading type then add it to your daily routine. Create a time table, Arrange your subjects (four during Jamb) according to the way it work best for you. After doing this for a few months reading will slowly become your habit (Hobby).

Make Reviews On your Notes, Past Questions And Textbooks

My favorite then was reading textbooks, i could read a textbook especially Chemistry Ababio and Physics P. N. Okeke from day to night because i got more understanding. You should do same. The textbook is well structured into
  • Explanation
  • Definition
  • Examples
  • And Questions
With this structure you can become successful in Jamb as long as you read with the Jamb Brochure which you get once you register but ca also be bought at book shops.

Join Reading Communities And Share Your Thoughts

At first reading with friends (reading mates) was not favorable to me because whenever a question was been tagged to me , the answer would be unknown  to me. But with time i started developing in my understanding, the exact fear that would have withdrawn me became my strength.

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I was in a community of intelligent friends. We met at an extra moral lesson organized for Jambites and drew our links to the library where we met and read everyday. I realized after a few months that i was no longer an outsider as i was now able to answer almost every question tagged to me. Before we went for the examination i was known as the Physics and Mathematics wizard as i was able to answer almost every question in the Jamb past questions. You should do same it will work for you.

Read Above Jamb And Waec

This is a normal theory which by now you should know about but i will expand a little bit. If you are reading for Jamb/Waec and you want to be successful then sure bet you might only get an average score. This is why you should read above Jamb/Waec, Learn to interact with people who has written this same examination and was successful.

 Yes your books contain a lot i know but do not depend fully on it. I advice you use your textbooks and internet when necessary. Breaking News: Avoid sexual attractions or teenage sex at this point. We might not think about this always but as a Jambite always work with your teachers and friends.

Pray Like You Have Not Read

We have talking about read read and read, But not talking about the spiritual aspect. Well i reserved this because its in fact the most important. A friend of mine wrote WAEC but her result was never released. Another wrote jamb with myself but his result was not found. So its one thing to read and prepare but another to write and get the result. So you need to pray for understanding before reading.

This happened to me during my second Jamb  i knelt down to pray before answering, the person seating next to me, made mockery and said i was afraid. Well dear do not listen to what people say, let them laugh at you  but success in Jamb is all that matters. So let prayer be the key. There is a spiritual action behind every physical situation.

Also Read: How to Survive a Teenage Heartbreak : Coping Well

To round it all up i have just shared to you my dear reader every single tip needed to be successful in Jamb/ WEAC. And if at the end you do not make a good score despite your effort do not worry every successful person must practice patience. Some disappointments are blessings in Disguise.

Always share with others what you know and vice versa, two heads together is better than one. Ask questions. Buy past questions and also attend extra moral lessons its a boost to your knowledge. Be confident and know the greatest of strength comes from within.

Do use the comment box to share your own thoughts and findings. I hope with all these that Jamb success will be a dream come true for you.

Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1

Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1
We humans are really making a big mistake about living, wealth and success, everybody want things to happen instantly. We send a whats-app message and expect it to deliver instantly, we call someone and expect an instant answer, we make a Little effort and expect it to succeed instantly. My dear such is not life. Its gently becoming a culture. The technologies of today are only created for spend and instant reply. Such is not life.

Its good to get things done on time and get positive replies instantly but do not shatter the law of nature. In recent times all you see is fast food, fast cars, instant messaging. etc. Well all these instant and fast have effect in our daily life because whatever isn't fast is no longer of importance.

Also Read: Reasons Why You Should Not Lose Your Virginity as a Teenager 2015 Review

Individuals including you and i have this mentality even in the education sector. Students no longer complete their classes and schools, because of fast life. Just so you know there is more to life than fast and fast. "No horry in Life" that's the word of the wise

 What is Patience

Patience as defined my Wikipedia means the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on negative annoyance/anger; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can take before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.

With more understanding and real life challenges i found a new face for the word "Patience". Patience is not all about waiting because many wait but never get rather Patience is just a blessing in form of  a disappointment. "Patience is a Virtue"

Why Impatience Is Dangerous

When we get instant results and convenience in some parts of our life, then we expect other areas of our life to work just as quick and easy. But, this mindset causes problems when something doesn’t happen as we plan it. It also is dangerous when we don’t take a task on because it seems too difficult, or appears too long to complete.

Also Read: Best Time To Have Sex With Your Partner

If something happens outside of our control, then we commonly create unnecessary stress for ourselves and
Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1
lose mental focus. Lets take the scenario where we plan on getting to work at 8:00am, but traffic is slow and causes us to arrive late. An impatient person may allow the negativity of traffic to carry over as they act rude to their co-workers and disrupt their concentration all morning. One external disruption and they can’t act or think straight.

If a task appears to be too difficult or long to finish, then we usually choose not to do it because of our desire for instant results. So we regularly settle for the shorter and more convenient path. Many people don’t consider careers that require grad school because they don’t want to go through the extra years of schooling. I’m confident that thousands of people who would be excellent doctors, lawyers, dentists, and other professions miss out on a fulfilling and satisfying career because of a short-term mindset against more education. It’s a shame.

Now lets take a look at you who want to be rich. Many people say they want to be rich. But, they’re unwilling to take the necessary steps to obtain wealth, because they aren’t patient. These same people say investing in the stock market “takes too long.” They would rather spend their money shopping to feel the immediate happiness of buying something new (which goes away pretty soon after the purchase). Or their impatience gives them over to the get-rich-quick schemes that never work.

Friend you want to be rich?, you want to be a celebrity?, want to be a degree holder?, My dear there is a remedy for you and its Patience.

The Reward Of Patience

Patience is a priceless gift even Jesus as stated in the Bible also practiced patience to establish his ministry. World legend Nelson Mandela during the fight for Freedom used a key strategy "patience", Have you watch the world greatest Bursar May-weather fight, Its all still patience. To get anything in this world you need to practice patience.

Lets take a lot at what people and Culture around the world say about Patience
  • Patience is a virtue.
  • Good thing comes to those who wait.
  • Patience is the key to success.
  • Those who are patient gets the best of what they deserve.
  • If you try to learn to be patient, the world opens up to you.
  • Be patient, and that patience will be rewarded.
Many Nigerian bloggers want to be as rich as Linda Ikeji well my dear it takes patience. All my researches in the life of the celebrities and wealthy people, all led to one thing Patience. The likes of Dangote, Bill gates, Lionel Messi, 2face Idibia and many more successful people. And they won't get this wealth if not for patience. So push on and be patience

Also Read: Beautiful Cities In Nigeria (2015) Review

Controlling your psychological state for patience gives you more opportunities. A patient person will have more time to consider different solutions to the assignment, contact people who can possibly help, and put in a better effort for a higher-quality result.

In contrast, if you’re impatient, you’re more likely to do the least amount of work just to be finished. Or you might complete a project how it’s always been done, not spending anytime to consider more creative and efficient operations.

Where to Observe Patience

Patience actually should be practiced in everything we do, in our daily decisions, our work, school and purchase for wealth. If only we can hold on everything about our life. Then things would much more easier.

Do you also know the bad characters captivated in the society is a result of impatience, All the negative acts stealing, killing, prostitution and also young teens loosing their virginity, lets not expatiate its a topic of another day. But if only we will practice patience accidents, deaths would drastically reduce.

I also thing if you as an employer will take your time and be patient to know that good workers are hard to find, work would improve and employees would be happy and work well with much confident. This is just for you to know that the term applies to everybody in various fields.

Procedures To Practicing Patience

 Since impatience comes from being upset things aren’t going how you want or how quick you want them to, it’s all ‘I’ focused. Change your perspective to practice patience by thinking about the subjects around you. Consider the other people involved, or the moving parts that require time to come together.

 Being positively minded about everything and always using calming words such as “it's going to be OK”, “every thing will be alright”, “I know that it will get better soon” or even a prayer will help you to be patient. It's convincing yourself with soothing and assuring remarks, where you can wait for results with ease.

In-capabilities also teaches you to be patient.  Most of the people who are incapable to doing things on their own, such as people confined to a wheel chair tend to be more patient than those who are capable. Now just imagine a fully capable person who is hungry, or poor, big chance that person will steal instead of looking for a job, or be patient and pray that God will change things for them for the better. Incapability of doing things on your own, teaches a person to be patient.

Also Read: How to Survive a Teenage Heartbreak : Coping Well

For those being in patient in grad school, just  look at more schooling as the required step to enjoy the rest of your professional career. For the get-rich people, have the perspective that you’re investing in your future and it takes time for your compound interest to add up. If it was easy and quick, everyone would be wealthy.

Patience One Great Path to Success - Episode 1

The easiest and most important way to learn patience is first break out from the habit of "I" and then learn to wait for things to happen at its own appointed time. Teaching Patience to the young once is a most do activities for the parents and elderly because when the young ones captivate it as a habit it becomes part of them.

Patience does magic with everything. Whether in loosing weight, quitting smoking, making money, raising children or in any unexpected difficult circumstance. Just keep in mind, that patience will work wonders if you give it the time it needs. Time is a big factor in being patient,so amuse yourself while waiting, walk in the park, visit a friend, read a book or even pray to know that you are not alone, God is there for. Just get your mind occupied with things that you like to do and makes you happy.


How to Survive a Teenage Heartbreak : Coping Well

Hello dear.

How to Survive a Teenage Heartbreak : Coping Well

Loneliness is one of the very big thing young teenagers like you fear. And if you just had a breakup and you are feeling lonely well dear you are not. Its just a feeling not reality. You might also be thinking that your life is over well dear once again you are wrong. You life is still far from over. You might also be feeling like he/she is the best for me. Well dear that's another lie, he/she is not the best because the best is still yet to come.

If you are having all these feelings its normal for you its part of life that's why its called a break up. But just so you get a little understanding before we continue all these above named feelings and questions are all tagged under depression. You are only being depressed, so dear don't cry your self out you are still very young and your future is very much better and brighter than your present.

What is Break Up

 Lots of things happen during and before a break up. But most times in the life of young teenagers like you it often leads to a heartbreak which is actually very hurtful but sometimes it doesn't. Some individuals now even take break up as a chapter in life which opens a better chapter better than the former.

Also Read: Reasons Why You Should Not Lose Your Virginity as a Teenager 2015 Review

What is Heartbreak

 Lots of things can cause heartbreak. Some people might have had a romantic relationship that ended before they were ready. Others might have strong feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same way. Or maybe a person feels sad or angry when a close friend ends or abandons the friendship.

Although the causes may vary, the feeling of loss is the same — whether it's the loss of something real or the loss of something you only hoped for. People describe heartbreak as a feeling of heaviness, emptiness, and sadness.

How to Cope with a break Up/ Heartbreak

Break up as define above is a feeling of emptiness and sadness only have a simple remedy and its "Learn when to hold on, Give up and Run". This easy remedy was motivated by a song called Gambler by legend Kenny Rogers and this has worked wonders for a lot of persons who were once in your situation.

Most people will tell you you'll get over it or you'll meet someone else, but when it's happening to you, it can feel like no one else in the world has ever felt the same way. If you're experiencing these feelings, there are things you can do to lessen the pain

Now lets try to expatiate on how to deal with the turmoil and pain of ending a relationship and how to let go of your ex and move on with your life.

Work on Yourself: Be Kind to Yourself.

Everything is about you. Moving on is all about yourself, your decision, your understanding. This is why in this round coping with a heartbreak  is all about you because really you don't know how the other person is feeling so lets take it personal.

Also Read: How to Prevent Your Husband From Cheating On You

Recognize, Understand And Release Your Feeling

The first step of working on yourself is recognizing your feeling, do not lie about the fact that you love this person, accept it because recognizing it will help you understand it. Now try your best to understand it, Understanding it means you knowing why you love this person, why you were always there for this person and the efforts you made in the relationship. After the previous step now you should know how to let the feelings go. (hint: if you were not at fault, after the previous steps then you should see that there is no need to keep the feelings) this will make it easy for you to let go.

How to Survive a Teenage Heartbreak : Coping Well

Cry All You Want: Don't be Ashamed

Crying has been found to be helpful in this situation, We find it irresistible to stop crying now am telling you don't stop yourself from crying. Let the tears flow, it's healthy you are releasing grief and pain. You may be afraid to start because you're fearful you'll never stop, but you will. So just cry.

Take Good Care of Yourself

A broken heart can be very stressful so don't let the rest of your body get broken too. Get lots of sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly to minimize stress and depression and give your self-esteem a boost. Do something everyday to help yourself heal. Exercise, read, watch some self-help TV/DVD's, learn to meditate and never underestimate the power of positive prayer. Pick things that you know will be fun or beneficial and do them. Don't wait for the mood to come over you, take one action and then take another. If you love singing and dancing. Then dance and sing. Do what you like, it will help. Sometimes traveling to new amazing places like resorts, beaches is also helpful.

Keep Yourself Busy or Engaged always

As we already know boring moments and thinking comes as a result of not doing anything, so don't give it a chance. Sometimes this is difficult when you're coping with sadness and grief, but it really helps. This is a great time to redecorate your room or try a new hobby. That doesn't mean you shouldn't think about what happened — working things through in our minds is all part of the healing process — it just means you should focus on other things too. Don't sit in your room and ruminate, you have to free your mind so your heart can heal.

Accept  Being Single

 Getting over your ex is virtually impossible if you're fantasizing about getting back together. It's important to learn how to be happy as a single person before you start to date again.

Being single gives you the freedom to do what you want, when you want. Watch a cheesy movie you would never admit to liking. Switch off your cell phone at the time your ex used to call. Perform a cleansing ritual, such as throwing away her yearbook photo or deleting his mushy e-mails. You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel.

 Also Read: Best Time To Have Sex With Your Partner

Share your Feelings to Others And Research

Share your Feeling: Getting over your ex is virtually impossible if you're fantasizing about getting back together. It's important to learn how to be happy as a single person before you start to date again. Being single gives you the freedom to do what you want, when you want. Watch a cheesy movie you would never admit to liking. Switch off your cell phone at the time your ex used to call. Perform a cleansing ritual, such as throwing away her yearbook photo or deleting his mushy e-mails. You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel.

Research: Find out what others, who have not just survived but thrived after their relationships ended did to achieve peace of mind. There are some great books on surviving a breakup, my friend's favorite is "How to Survive the Loss of a Love" by Peter McWilliams. This little gem will give you insight, exercises and some sage advice for dealing with this heart wrenching issue.

Some people feel that nothing will make them happy again and resort to alcohol or drugs. Others feel angry and want to hurt themselves or someone else. People who drink, do drugs, or cut themselves to escape from the reality of a loss may think they are numbing their pain, but the feeling is only temporary. They're not really dealing with the pain, only masking it, which makes all their feelings build up inside and prolongs the sadness.
Sometimes the sadness is so deep — or lasts so long — that a person may need some extra support. For someone who isn't starting to feel better after a few weeks or who continues to feel depressed, talking to a counselor or therapist can be very helpful.

So be patient with yourself, and let the healing begin. And in all do not forget that you are not the first to be in this situation neither are you the last.


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Beautiful Cities In Nigeria (2015) Review

Nigeria is a fascinating destination to visit, blessed with amazing cities, towns, tribes and culture. Most of these cities and towns are known across the country for their fascinating attractions, beautiful scenery, natural resources and cultural heritage.  Abuja, the capital city is one of the most loved cities in the country. There are other major cities in Nigeria which are very much loved and visited. Some are loved for their homeliness and hospitable demeanour, others are for their economic and business advantages; yet more are loved for their availability of fun, tourism and vacation spots. It was really hard to picked out the most beautiful cities because all its 36 States and FCT are just brilliant in beauty.

Though we are from Nigeria we still needed to do a lot of research on Nigeria and its cities before composing this article. Cities enlisted here are based on its fast development, beautiful sights, Culture, tourist attractions etc.

The City Of Abuja

This photo is the true reflection of almost the entire Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. It is one of the most organized and well developed cities in Nigeria. It has many recreational centers, five star hotels, and world class shopping malls all over the city.

The City Of Lagos

Whether it draws visitors for business or pleasure, Lagos remains the most populous city in Nigeria, the second fastest-growing city in Africa and the seventh in the world. As the largest metropolitan area in Africa, Lagos has something to suit every traveler—from its tourist attractions, world-class entertainment and active nightlife to the fancy hotels—there are no limitations to what you can enjoy in Lagos. Many visitors venture into Lagos only to leave their hearts filled to the brim with memories of tasty restaurants, lively bars, active music scene, beaches, and colorful neighborhoods.

Uyo, Akwa Ibom

A glimpse of what we can do if we try. If you are looking for the most beautiful and the most secured city in Nigeria, look no further, Uyo in Akwa Ibom State is the place. Well structured road networks free of potholes, first class hotels (3-5 stars), beautiful sites. This city take the crown as the most beautiful city in Nigeria

 Calabar, Cross Rivers

Calabar is not only one of the most beautiful city in Nigeria, it is probably the most peaceful city in the country, complete with some of the finest landscapes and nature. A visit to the city will leave you in awe of the sheer development that has taken place there in recent time.

Enugu, Enugu State

The most beautiful city in the Igboland

Enugu, the capital of Enugu state is the second city in the South East that made it to this list for good reasons. It beautiful topography is among the best in the country and it’s one of the most peaceful city in Nigeria.

Most of the states in the East has refused to develop, living on in the past glory. The Governors from the Igboland are the greediest and most stupid of all the politicians in Nigeria, leaving entire region and entire tribe in the hands of underdevelopment. Shame to greedy politician who prefer to make billions in place of meaningful development.

How to Prevent Your Husband From Cheating On You

Being in a relationship, has its own ups and downs. One of the big heartbreaking problem faced in a relationship is cheating which definitely happen between both parties. We will be focused on why men cheat and in our next article we will discuss on how to prevent your man from cheating.

Before we go further answer this questions. we will deal a lot on them later. Now if you are a male and you are reading this i advance you to pay attention and learn because it also applies to you.

  1. Why is he dating you?
  2. Are you in a forced relationship?
  3. Do you still pay much attention to him (sexually and emotionally)
  4. Did you Change?
  5. And finally are you full of surprises? or just the boring type
If you have answered the five questions above am sure by now you should have an idea on what is actually wrong though men generally are likely prone to cheat that doesn't mean you are the right party. It's a relationship and i don't think the other woman is more beautiful than you not facially though she might but a man would always love you if he sees you work hard just to impress him.

But most ladies still believe in pride. Well know this simple fact: He asked you out, He shops for you and takes good care of you. What do you then do? come on ladies remove that pride and save your relationship.

Still, there is no surefire way to keep him from ever having a moment of weakness. So, let's begin by looking at the reasons men cheat and then try to find some possible solutions.

On a Woman's Side

1. Same Thing, Same Way And Same Time

This is the main reason why men cheat. In shorts "boringness" . When a man have psychologically checked out of the relationship and find out that it's all same thing all the time, he gets bored. Now lets see how men think and act. At the baby age of men they are always curious and most times destructive (that means they love adventures), At their teen age all what they do is football, basket ball and Videos games and all these activities are all thrilling and exciting (they love excitement). At their university stage boys are known mainly for flirting. A new chick every day.

That shows that all through out a man's life is fun, excitement, adventures and lots and lots of interesting thing. Every man loves sex don't forget that. This is one big problem because when a man get into a real relationship you expect him to have all these thrills with you. Which seems to be very hard and boring.

2. Not Paying Attention

Recently everybody wants to work or don't just want to care. Well dear you should learn to care, Because when you don't pay attention there is another woman who will notice this and i tell she will make him cheat. I am a man and in general its hard for a man to say NO especially when he know you won't even notice whatever happens to him

As i stated earlier men love adventures so when you don't pay attention he becomes like a boy who just got a scholarship to school abroad. Attention and your time matters a lot. If he agrees on you not being around always then make him disagree.

Matter can only occupy an empty space not an already occupied space so another woman can only occupy that space you left empty
 Don't leave any space empty fill it all, He is yours and its your right to keep him to just yourself alone except you love sharing which i know no woman in her right manners would support - Woman's Voice.

3. Emotional Chaos

Men may also cheat when they find themselves suffering from emotional chaos, perhaps brought on by a bitter argument with his partner. Men often deal with turmoil through destructive means like drinking, drugs, violent behavior and forbidden sex. They will resort to anything to make the pain go away, and sex does a pretty good job of that.

A drunk man can even beat you till you bleed, A man who do drugs can even kill you with out noticing so you see among the above listed options for men its even better to have a cheating man. As it says prevention is better than cure, fights will always turn up in a relationship but that doesn't mean it should be a daily routine.Once its a normal daily issue for the relationship then the man is prone to cheat on you.

4. Opportunity

Earlier i spoke about not paying attention to your man but i didn't mention your man not always paying attention to you well this is the result when he is always out for work, meetings, traveling and so on. He get lot of opportunity to meet with co workers (single ladies) and probably pure strangers who might be either hot or sexy do your relationship is at risk

Put a little effort in watching him, how he acts around few co-workers and the type of women he keeps as friends but note do not be a watch dog because he will feel watched, that will lead to a fight which you should always avoid.


On the Man's Side

Now a man cheating is also as a result of his decision, pride and also sexual weakness. Lets expand on it

Peer Pressure (Friends)

Every man should have friends to make his life equation balance, but the type of friends you keep have a really good or bad effect in your life. You know your self if you are the type that keep the kind of friend always forcing you into bad things my dear you should quit. Because we men love playing games, making bets and so many other weird things. So don't let a stupid bet make you cheat on the love of your life

We men are also very jealous when it comes to women issues and sex life. When your friends talk about sex with other women all the time, Then as a man you will love to join  the conversation by also cheating in your wife. (be wise and don't let them fool you)

I know Its good to have friends and wise to perform experiments but when doing this don't forget you have a wife at home who also have friends and also loves experimenting. (don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you)

Sexual Weakness

Generally men love pictures and are weak when it comes to avoiding sex except they are culturally trained up and well mannered but most men are not like that even you reading might just be the weak type. This is one cause of cheating from the man's side. "A story on how a man impregnated his housemaid: Its true i read this online and just saw the simple logic" He loves pictures and can not avoid sex this is why we men should always watch our steps and don't let women take this as an advantage over you.

Self Decision

If you practice this then it means you don't love your partner. So you should love and learn to love properly before asking her out. Do not break her heart.

Now in general we have seen that cheating by men can either be his partner's fault or his own wrong. (Advice: Men instead of looking for other women outside your relationship just think about your woman and try to make her happy. Her smile is worth more than what you were about to do). Its about love, care, trust and values. Most men who experience their dad cheating and getting away with it are also prone to this so ladies always know his family background.

Two together is an unbeatable team so don't loose that bond for cheating. Your wife is way better and interesting than the outside woman

Best Time To Have Sex With Your Partner | Maximum Satisfaction

If you are one of those that just want to have sex for fun well this article will educate you on lots of facts about when to have sex because i don't imagine you wanting to have sex without having maximum satisfaction as a boy and not making your girl scream (giving her orgasm)

Best Time To Have Sex With Your Partner | Maximum Satisfaction Header

If you are one of the gentle men or married ladies who are having problems in bed either not enjoying sex with your partner or not getting a maximum result which might be a baby. This also is an easy remedy that should solve your problem unless otherwise

Sex comes with risks as well as pleasures, so it's a good idea to think about the risks and what you're comfortable doing or not doing.
Sex which includes many things you can do-either by yourself or with other people and just so you know in sex you can get easily carried away. Talking about the best time for sex, it’s a total understanding of the metabolism behind all sexual activities. Sex which is healthily recommended just for married couples has its sweet, fun and satisfying times depending on your main purpose for thinking about sexual intercourse. So now lets work with the main purpose for have sex

 Also Read: How to Survive a Teenage Heartbreak : Coping Well


Many couples today have sex mainly to reproduce which some couples are finding it difficult to get. Though there are lots of reasons why you cant take in but the right time for sex might just be one of time. Sex having a lot to do with body cells and the female organ might just have a little problem with the exact time you make love with your partner. Ladies calendar.

Best Time To Have Sex With Your Partner | Maximum Satisfaction Header

Satisfaction or Pleasure 

Everything about sex is not entire about reproduction. Its even more about pleasure than reproduction not contraceptives with be in use today. Every average individual including you definitely want to have a good time with your partner. Do you know unsatisfying sex leads to break ups, fights and also cheating. So you better satisfy your partner Now lets check out the best time for sex and why it’s the best time. I know some people think it is in the dark night hours, some think otherwise.

Sex can include many things you can do -. Sexual feelings are exciting and, because they are, it is easy to get carried away. Sexual activities can be everything from kissing to intercourse - from holding hands and hugging to fondling and touching another person. Sexual activities can also be things you do all by yourself - like masturbating or pleasuring yourself sexually.
However Italian researchers have made it known that testosterone levels in men and women are highest in the morning. Testosterone is a great requirement for making love. Now lets take a look at the reason while the best time to have sex either marriage or not!! Do you know “The energy levels of both are highest in the morning also Mentally, they are less occupied with life’s demands, so it’s the perfect time,” sex therapist Geraldine Myers was quoted as saying in a Daily Mail report.

Also Read: Reasons Why You Should Not Lose Your Virginity as a Teenager 2015 Review

However, the researchers said that the exact best time to have sex is at 5.48 a.m. “This is also when couples are most likely to reach orgasm,” the authors added. Sex can include many things you can do -. Sexual feelings are exciting and, because they are, it is easy to get carried away. Sexual activities can be everything from kissing to intercourse - from holding hands and hugging to fondling and touching another person. Sexual activities can also be things you do all by yourself - like masturbating or pleasuring yourself sexually

I have just share with you my studies and researches however its an interactive post so please lets share our thoughts relating to this topic.

Reasons Why You Should Not Lose Your Virginity as a Teenager 2015 Review

As a teenage girl lots of thoughts rides through your head everyday especially when their is a male persuading you to have sexual intercourse. Which happens in different ways, (Note: before a man will ask you out he must have studied everything about you and know how to charm you easily).

Most men will try several ways to get you in bed even to the extinct of deceiving you. I'm a boy and i know what men can do but as a girl you should never let a man take advantage of your innocence. Once he does then you can not escape the trap, Its more like hunt or get hunted game. And boys love playing it

Losing your virginity as a girl is one important thing in your life and i bet you, you will always remember the moment so why do you want to allow a young boy who probably doesn't understand the meaning of love ruin it for you. Studies has shown that most teenage girls ranging from the age of 14-18 are easily won over by men due to the sexual excitement in their head. So you see that's why you are always the target so be wise and careful.

What is Virginity

 Virginity means a state of purity or inexperience. In Traditional term, a virgin is a person that had not had sexual intercourse. Usually, the idea of virginity is used for women.

Losing Your Virginity

 Losing virginity which also is referred to as dis-flowing is actually a painful process but most men will say its a sweet process my dear its not. Virgin women usually have an unbroken hymen. A hymen is human tissue that blocks the opening of the vagina about two inches deep. Now you see why its painful.

Why you should not lose your Virginity as a Teenager

Above we made you understand what virginity is all about now lets talk on why you as a teen should not lose your virginity. Its going to be hard for you because most friends both male and female will laugh at you might even call you a man. But don't pay attention, they just want to deceive and use you.

1. Unwanted Pregnancy And Immorality

Though protections are now widely used everywhere for sex, still there is a possible outcome of pregnancy from your first time. It will be quite unfair to you if you use a condom on your first time. So why having protected sex when you known he just wants to sleep with you. And know also that fear will always be in you and you won't even enjoy the moment

Every now and then we hear of moral values and its appreciation well this is one quick way to reduce your moral values. No matter how the result turn out to be, either you are caught by mere humans or caught by your own conscience.

2. Unbearable Pain

I know most boys and some websites have laid some emphasis on pain during first time sex. Saying stuffs like it will only hurt ones and that's all. Well my dear pain during first time sex is not just about breaking your hymen it has some psychological effects on you which is worse than the 5 minutes pain.

Now lets take a knife and cut you or pierce you with a needle, Will it hurt? and after cutting will the pain last for just five minutes? Now that's the same as losing virginity if not even worse because the male organ is strong, big but not as sharp as a knife so you see it will cause real pain for you. And that's what men love. To hear her scream so don't fall a victim

3. Cultural and Traditional Belief

Many of us thinks that sex is all about two persons a guy and a girl, its physically true but if you really view the inspirational side it, sex is more than just two. In every region you belong to there is always a warning against sex before marriage, According to the biblical view it causes impurity (means its a sin), also in the Islamic part there is also a quote with its own punishment.

When a man inserts his male organ or other object(s) are inserted into the vagina, it usually tears or breaks the hymen which results in bleeding. This blood from the hymen is important in many cultures, as it is a sign that the woman is a virgin. And the entire process of losing your virginity is not healthy for you as it defiles you and render you impure according to cultures and traditions in our society today.

4. Social Status And STD

In the oldies, virginity was referred to as a woman's pride, her value and also her worth. Most men who lures young girls to sleep with them are aware of all these facts so why then do they still want to take your pride. A young girl said to me "my virginity is the only power i will have against my husband when i get married" which i have seen to be entirely true.

Its also the main cause of sexually transmitted disease which like HIV/AIDS. Which will destroy your life and ambitions though people now live with HIV/AIDS but dear prevention is better than cure

A boy who sleeps with you and take your virginity at a very tender age is most likely not to marry you. Now your pride is gone what do you now have to offer?Nothing!. So dear don't let a man fool you with his sweet tongue. Its our habit every man can sweet mouth.

5. Effects on Your Relationship

When you start dating a boy, at first he won't expect you to have sex with him, then the relationship will be sweet and fun but after some time he will start asking for sex from time to time. Lets see the psychology here, When he start asking he is not just asking for once he is asking for so many rounds, because after losing your virginity, what is left?.

He will expect you to do it with him always (losing more values each day), the sad part, this has happened to many relationships, the moment you start saying its a enough or disagree to have sex he starts becoming weird and this will either lead to him cheating on you always or a break up. So you see sex doesn't really strengthen your relationship.

A teenage girl deserves her respect from everybody. Don't lose that respect, if he loves you then he will understand your feelings and wait till when you get married that's the simple logic. Young girls be wise!!, To get more education on this topic take off your shyness or fear and go ask an elderly woman near you, could be your mother, teacher or female pastor because your virginity is a very important part of your life. Don't not mess with it dear. Its Your Pride