Something Out Of Nothing

Something Out Of Nothing

Hello dear!! How are you today? Hope you ate and rested before coming online because what i have for you today will take a lot of your time and understanding but be sure to gain a lot from it. It's motivation came from nothing and that is why it's titled Something Out Of Nothing.

While reading this article composed of various words brought together to give one specific meaning, i would like you to know a fact that "What you know is centered around what your have seen or en counted, or heard" and also that "everyone has it's own meaning of one word". So should in case you find understanding this article hard, just try to consume it the way it comes to you.

Have you ever wondered where past discoverers got there idea of elements and atoms from? Because if you do, curiosity should by now be part of your breathing. Elements where created out of nothing, the sense till date that entails the discovering of element can only be explained in a brief, by the text books. Nevertheless, only the past scientists can actually say where this sense came from.

On a theory by life, you only get wiser by learning from the little signs that appeals. Taking steps forward entails knowing where you came from. Nigerians has really made the surface nature of success turn round as many uneducated youths who on a normal setting won't get a job, now turns out to be the entrepreneurs of the biggest companies in the country while the graduates stay at home or even become jobless.

History made it today, as a governor of a state in Nigeria is said not to have his primary school certificate but though laws held trials against it, that doesn't stop him from ruling. Leadership is a skill that is born into men and attending the best university doesn't develop that skill in you. Your ascent and linguistic might be top class but your sense of taught is centered around what is happening and what happened. 

So we spend about 6-years at the university and read all our life, just to come out as a Civil engineer, when the owners of the biggest construction companies are owned by uneducated individuals who never got a chance to attend neither secondary or university. I am not discouraging education because education is one important thing we must do but it doesn't really decide our fate.

Something out of Nothing, a theory written by great heroes. Jesus Christ got for himself 12 disciples in a city where sin was the call of the day, Mathew Okpebholo (a man who wasn't so privileged to attend school bodies) established a construction company (Ray Royal Construction Company) in the multitude of graduates, Nelson Mandela stood for freedom and won at a time where slavery was legal.

This is what believing in yourself can do. Your life success doesn't depend on what people say about you, or what the school rated you  or how social media has made you devote to rather life success is just defined in a few lines. 'Making Something Out Of Nothing".


This article is dedicated to every Nigerian and African at large who life has given a different path, that young, old or adult who thinks no success can come out of him/her. There is success in every man, though everyone will not be rich, it doesn't mean some should be poor. Get of your weakening holds and define life your own way.


The credits of this composed work goes out to God Almighty, the giver of wisdom and understanding for enabling me to compile this masterpiece. And also to all successful rich men and women who has inspired me by making something out of nothing. Shout out to Linda Ikeji one of my role models when it comes to blogging who also made a blog in the multitude of others.

Need Help?

Should in case you need any help in what i compiled, or you have any questions you would love to ask, do use the comment box, and a solution will be published before the 24 hours. 

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