How to Add Facebook Fan Box to Blogger Blog

Blogging is mainly about writing articles and reaching them out  to lot of people on the web and getting them to become your readers. To achieve this, a Facebook Fan Page would be helpful since it connects your blog to your Facebook page. And also this gadget lets your blog visitors see, visit and like your Page in Just a few clinks. This article will be of help to both pro-bloggers and newbies due to the adjustment made by Facebook which we have discovered and created help for.
facebook fan box

Demo at the right sidebar


Facebook is one of the world most popular social networking service that connect friends and family together and enable lots of sharing either within its contents or external sites. Facebook as of today has millions of users which makes it the target point for websites owners and business persons.

Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his Harvard College roommates and fellow students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University.

It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Since 2006, anyone who is at least 13 years old was allowed to become a registered user of the website, though the age requirement may be higher depending on applicable local laws.

If you are not on Facebook just log on to and clink on create account to get yourself and business active on the global advertiser "Mr FB".

What is a Facebook Fan Page

A fan page is the only way for entities like businesses, organizations, celebrities, and political figures to represent themselves on Facebook.

Unlike a personal Facebook profile, fan pages are visible to everybody on the Internet. Anyone on Facebook can connect to and receive updates from a page by becoming a fan (i.e. ‘Liking’ the page).
Like a friend’s profile, Facebook pages enable public figures, authors, speakersrestaurants, hotels, bands, retail stores, photographers, realtors, community organizations and other entities to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook.

Having a fan page is one of the greatest way of running you blog on fb. Its easy to use because you can easily connect your fan page to you website and share every update from your online store to you friends, likers and followers on fb.

What is a Facebook Fan Box

A Facebook fan box is a great plugin that allows blog visitors to subscribe to your blog updates via Facebook account without leaving your blog. After subscribing by clinking on the like button) , visitors will receive your recent updates on your Facebook page which links to their account.

add fb fan plugin to blogger
This plugin also show faces of the 'liker' on your blog. The plugin show recent post on your Facebook page that is if you want to show it. But before adding this plugin you need to create a Facebook fan page.

Importance of a Facebook fan page Plugin

Adding a Facebook fan page to your blog is of range-less importance especially if your blog is live (always updated) and full of great contents which visitors will like. Its a traffic booster for your blog. Most bloggers have this plugin on their blog and don't worry it won't affect your blog design or layout because its unique appearance adds an amazing look to your blog which ever place you add it to (sidebar or Footer).
  1. Helps to collect subscribers to you blog
  2. Beautify your blog 
  3. Greatest way to make you fan page live on your blog
  4. Tells your visitors how popular/trending you are on facebook by showing number of likes
  5. Helps your blog readers message you on fb.

How to Add Facebook fan Box to your blog

 Recently Facebook made an adjustment on their developers page. Perhaps made it easier to add it to  your blog but most users still haven’t figured it out so do not worry you just clinked on the right website. Before we go to the developers page we will need to know our Page URL.

If you just created you Fb page you should find this easy but if it's been you created yours, i will still show you how to get your URL without much stress.While creating your page a field is shown to you where you are asked to input your page URL copy that URL in a notepad or notebook But if you forgot this URL just visit your fan page and copy the URL in the Address bar.

Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Visit Facebook Developers Page

In adding the plugin to your blog, Visit the facebook developers page. Now the little adjustment, a page will come up showing about a little development on the plugin. Just continue by clinking on the Page Plugin text in the page

Step 2: Customizing your Facebook Plugin

This is one great feature for you especially if you are the fancy type. It's recent development makes designing the box easier. Here you will be required to fill a few fields before clinking on get code.

facebook page to blog

  • In the first field you are required to fill in your Facebook URL which we taught you how to get early. To make it easier it always go with your page name. Example if your page name is "Lifestyle And Magazines" then the URL should be except you made some changes while creating your page.
  • The second and third field requires you to fill the width and height of your box. Note: if you want the box to fit in to your sidebar or footer space then do not make any changes here.
  • The others fields are much easier. just clink on any of the features you want in the box. But if you don't understand this feature look below for a preview of which ever feature you clinked on.

Step 3: Get Code

When you are through with the customization just look below and clink on get code. A pop up window will show. showing two fields namely
  •  Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening tag. and
  •  Place the code for your plugin wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.
Copy the code in the first field (JavaScript SDK).

Step 4: Adding it to your Blog

fan page blogger gadget
After a successful customization the next step is to add it to your blog. Now to do that, log on to your blogger account dashboard and clink on ‘Layout’, When the window appears clink on add a gadget in the sidebar or anywhere you want to place the Fan Page. Now a new popup window will open then just clink on Add HTML/JavaScript a space will be shown. Do not fill the title field (leave it empty). Paste the code copied in step 4 into the field. Now clink on save.

fb gadget plugin

After doing that the Facebook Fan page won't show yet on your blog. To show it, go back to layout and clink on add a gadget at the exact place where you want the fan box to show. Clink on add HTML/JavaScript. Now go back to Facebook developer page and copy the second script shown in the box. Paste it in the HTML/JavaScript field and Fill the Title box with any name you wish. Most bloggers use Follow us on Facebook, Its your choice.

Step 5: Rounding Up

Now you are done. Just clink on save gadget and also clink on save arrangement. View your blog to see the amazing box.

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Topic: How to Add Facebook Fan Box to Blogger Blog

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